I have created a separate page for the review by Jeremy Addis in Books Ireland, September/October 2014, Issue No. 357, as there is no online link. You will also see a separate page for a recent review by Danielle McLaughlin in The Stinging Fly, Issue 29, Volume Two, Winter 2014-15.
----- I'm really pleased that another story of mine, 'Hole in the Bucket' has been published in Lakeview International Journal of Literature and Arts, Issue 2: http://issuu.com/lijla/docs/lijlaaugust2013
---- If you would like to see the wonderful actress Cora Fenton reading one of my early stories, 'The Encyclopaedia, The Goldfinch and the Elastoplast Bandage' (part of a benefit for Theatre Makers, December 2012), please go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gtdQBpRx8g&feature=youtu.be